My 0.1 is a shell of an extension that puts some extra options in some menus so I can easily put the content in later. The picture on the left shows that I have added a spell check option to the tools menus. The picture on the right shows that when you right click a page you can also get the spell check option. This is pretty basic but it took me a while to figure out how to add things to those particular menus.
One thing I know from my 0.1 is that I need to get more involved with the community, I have been doing too much on my own and need to get involved more.
I was fun creating an extension. It gives you some perspective on the things I use in Firefox every day and that they could have been created by someone like me.
While doing my 0.1 I was researching how the spellchecker in Firefox works and I don't really have anything to show for it yet but in my future releases it will be of a great help.
I think that about wraps it up. That is my 0.1 release.